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Summer Fight Nights

Summer Fight Nights

Welcome to the ultimate guide to CryptoFights Summer Fight Nights! This summer, we invite you to join us for weekly fight nights where you can experience the thrill of battle, earn boosted loot, and take advantage of lifted gear restrictions. These events are perfect for both seasoned players and newcomers looking to dive into the world of CryptoFights.

What are CryptoFights Summer Fight Nights?

CryptoFights Summer Fight Nights are special in-game events held weekly, designed to bring the community together for intense battles and exclusive rewards. These events typically take place from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM EST in-game, and from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM EST on all social media platforms. Join us every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to participate in the action!

Why Join CryptoFights Summer Fight Nights?

Boosted Loot

Boosted loot means higher quality and quantity of gear for every victory. When you win a match and unlock a chest, you'll receive boosted loot. You can unlock chests by using gold or the Roll-to-Open Feature, which allows you to claim a chest for free. This makes winning battles even more rewarding and helps you gear up faster.

Lifted Gear Restrictions

Lifted gear restrictions allow any fighter to wear any level of gear, making leveling up easier and battling powerful foes more manageable. Typically, gear is limited to your fighter's level to maintain balance in the arena, but during Summer Fight Nights, these restrictions are lifted, giving you a significant advantage.

Event Features and Benefits

Exclusive Rewards

Each live session offers active viewers the chance to earn Loot Codes, which can be redeemed for gold and powerful in-game gear. This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance your gaming experience and get ahead in CryptoFights.

Community Engagement

Joining the live sessions on our social media platforms allows you to interact with other players, get real-time help with the FYX Gateway platform, and stay connected with the latest updates a

How to Participate in CryptoFights Summer Fight Nights

Step-by-step Guide
  1. Join in Game: Log in during event times and join the battles in the Golden Hall Arena and Questlines.
  2. Join Live: Stay updated by visiting our Discord or social media for specific event details each week.

Engage with the community, trade, queue for battles, and access exclusive events and guides. Join Our Discord


Summer Fight Nights


June 1, 2024


August 31, 2024

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